Showcase your story at your non-profit event or annual gala with one of these video styles
Interview Based with client provided b-roll
Timeline: contract signed at least 3 months before event
2-4 minute video
Interviews with 2 to 3 characters in a single location
Option to include existing photos or video
Graphics layout: character titles and company logo
Up to 2 rounds of revisions
Unique music licence
Interview Based with custom b-roll
Timeline: contract signed at least 3 months before event
2-4 minute video
Interviews with 2 to 3 characters in a single location
Up to half day of B-roll production in same location
Graphics layout: character titles and company logo
Up to 2 rounds of revisions
Unique music licence
Media storage of footage for future projects
Script based with custom b-roll
Timeline: contract signed at least 4 months before event
2-4 minute video
Custom script
Up to full day of B-roll in up to 3 locations
Graphics layout: company logo
Up to 2 rounds of revisions
Unique music licence
Media storage of footage for future projects
Add ons
Additional location on same day of production (within 45 minutes drive time)
Additional production date for B-roll (up to half day of production)
We are excited to support non-profits in our region! We ask that Voortex Productions be mentioned in the event program or in another print medium as an in-kind sponsor and/or donor at the event. When possible, we would love the opportunity to attend the event to show our support.